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Bob B.'s Recent Galleries

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20-Sep-2024 16:26
Harper's Ferry 2024
:: Harper's Ferry 2024 ::
20-Sep-2024 16:20
2022 June - JC Campbell Folk School Nature Photography, plus other
:: 2022 June - JC Campbell Folk School Nature Photography, plus other ::
20-Sep-2024 16:14
Clemson Habitat for Humanity 2016
:: Clemson Habitat for Humanity 2016 ::
20-Sep-2024 15:54
Working for a Living
:: Working for a Living ::
20-Sep-2024 15:54
People - Mostly one at a time
:: People - Mostly one at a time ::
20-Sep-2024 15:54
On the road in India
:: On the road in India ::
20-Sep-2024 15:54
Portals, Doors and Windows
:: Portals, Doors and Windows ::
20-Sep-2024 15:54
:: Blue ::
20-Sep-2024 15:54
:: Yellow ::