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Mike Stobbs's Recent Galleries

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26-Feb-2025 15:04
:: every_now__then_part_xix ::
01-Feb-2025 15:02
Simply Chicago
:: Simply Chicago ::
18-Dec-2024 13:58
Grain Elevators of Saskatchewan
:: Grain Elevators of Saskatchewan ::
27-Oct-2024 20:17
Country Churches
:: Country Churches ::
25-Oct-2024 19:18
In The R.M. of.........
:: In The R.M. of......... ::
24-Dec-2023 15:58
Every Now & Then Part XVII
:: Every Now & Then Part XVII ::
03-Nov-2023 13:37
The Fading Town of Pasqua Saskatchewan
:: The Fading Town of Pasqua Saskatchewan ::
07-May-2023 01:56
 Bin There
::  Bin There ::