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Gary Sloman14-Apr-2011 03:44
I rarely comment in Pbase but your In The Moment gallery really struck a chord with me. Very nice work. I look forward to viewing the rest of your galleries when I get a chance.
Robbie D7031-Jan-2011 22:57
So many amazing photographs, a true pleasure to see your work.
norbi30-Aug-2010 10:49
My best thanks for taking time to visit my pbase-page.
It is great to look at Your photographical view of the visual worlds.

Be sure, I will visit You again.

princess20-Apr-2010 17:02
Hi Linda,
Thank you very much for your kind comments and votes on my pictures.
I'm impressed by your galleries. Your work is outstanding. You have a great eye and style.
Best regards from Rockville, Maryland,
MarĂ­a Cano09-Apr-2010 20:46
Dear Linda, all your shots are so beautiful, delicated and elegant .. I have enjoyed myself this evening passing a very good time .. Thanks for sharing them ..
Barb 20-Mar-2010 18:37
WOW Linda, all of your galleries are so beautiful. I spent the morning browsing, enjoying the explosion of Color Ways, the depth and beauty of Close, Closer and Closest and of course the beauty of your own Garden Flowers. You have a true talent my dear friend and it is a great way for me to stay close to you while living in Barbados.
Guest 11-Oct-2009 14:26
Many thanks for all your nice comments on my images, they are very much appreciated..
Lynn Meek 10-Oct-2009 10:29
absolutely stunning Linda!!!!!!! ( see you're in Alberta - my brother and sister-in-law live in Banff - been there many times - grew up in Toronto) Would love permission to paint "Minnie's Smile" if you ever allow that. Lynn
Martin Doheny13-Mar-2009 23:22
Hi Linda,
Thanks for your the kind comments you left. It gave me an opportunity to browse your beautiful galleries,
great job.

Guest 07-Feb-2009 10:45
Hello Linda,
Thank you so much for visiting my galleries and for your so many kind comments and votes on my shots.Thanks again for you support.
Best regards from IRAN.

Pawel Kazmierczyk03-Feb-2009 18:14
Hello Linda, what a fantastic collection of galleries.... You have a great eye for photography, and a unique sense of style. I have truly enjoyed going through your photos - the range and variety of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the quality. Well done, keep it up ! Greetings from Poland. Pawel
an nguyen01-Feb-2009 14:28
Thank you Linda for stopping by my photos..always a pleasure to see friend from Canada..I see you have great galleries of places that are enchanting and beautiful as well..Regards.. Anne Nguyen
Victoria20-Jan-2009 11:24
thanks Linda , thanks comments for gallery , this is great !!!!! you got many many excellent images too, i do enjoy visiting here !!!keep good on :)

houseofcors17-Jan-2009 01:45
I am so impressed by your galleries. Many are similar to my interests, but I am mostly envious of your better photos. You are such a talent and have a great vision to see what most of us overlook.
houseofcors aka Jim Trippi, Indianapolis
Bartosz Kotulski09-Jan-2009 10:32
Hi Linda. Thank You for such a wonderful comments to my work.Every day i am learning more and more about photography,just like You. Thanks very much for so lovely tour aroud Your Galleries.
All the best for You and Your family.
Bartosz Kotulski
Gerardine 05-Jan-2009 17:13
oh my gosh Linda
I am so impressed!!!!! these are quite exceptional well done
Luca Bracci04-Oct-2008 22:08
wow fantastic slide show in the home page...fantastic photos. i'll be back!
adagiobiagio19-Jul-2008 17:06
Hi Linda
Thanks for viewing and leaving comments!
ciao, Paolo
Guest 09-Jul-2008 04:02
How did you do your slide show. COOL!
Dick Lowthian08-Jul-2008 12:07
Hi Linda,
It looks like you've got your slide show operational on your root page. It looks good and you've chosen great shots to include in it. Well done.
Brando Ho20-Jun-2008 20:39
Hi Linda,

I am glad you stopped by my galleries. I should of gave you the link to that flower. You are good, You find it in over a thousand of photos. I don't know what is its name, but it color and the the way it grown really makes it look different.......thanks for sharing.

TuTmin08-Mar-2008 11:30
welcome to the pbase community.
Guest 08-Mar-2008 10:13
Your photos are wonderful! Welcome to Pbase. Keep on shooting! :o)
Jenn 05-Mar-2008 19:55
Linda, Mom gave gave me the link to your albums--your pictures are just beautiful! I've passed the first part of this humpday work day away, happily living vicariously through your photos. Love you, Jenn

ps. I love the hippo. LOVE him.